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Functions of the Officers of the Institution

Oxford Institute of Business & Journalism has a unique Organizational Structure for effective function. 

The Institution Council is the highest decision body of the school as they provide policy direction for implementation by the management lead by the Executive Director. 

THE INSTITUTION COUNCIL MEMBERS have very defined roles and responsibilities within the institutional set-up of Oxford Institute of Business & Journalism. (See details under this section)


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-Mr. Daniel Kofi Asante Ennin

The Executive Director is the President of the institution and reports directly to the COUNCIL as its final decision body.

The Executive Director has to be informed of all important developments and problems in the institution particularly those relating to academic activities, finances, physical developments and students affairs.

Apart from his functions within the institution, the Executive Director also serves as a spokesman in relation to the government and external bodies including international university communities. He has the added role of providing general leadership to the various sectors of the institution in their development.

In actual execution of his duties the Executive Director works mainly through the various committees which are responsible for policy-making and in some occasions serves as chairman. 

Even when he does not serve as the chairman the statutes provide that he should have unrestricted rights of attendance and speech at all meetings of the institution, and he either receives or has access to all papers of the institution. 


PRINCIPAL-Mr. George Larbi

The School’s Principal serves as the educational leader, responsible for managing the policies, regulations, and procedures to ensure that all students are supervised in a safe teaching and learning environment that meet the approved curricula and educational requirements.

In our quest for our students to achieving academic excellence, the Principal is required to direct and all members of the school staff hired by the Executive Director.

His inherent positions are the responsibilities for scheduling, curriculum development, extracurricular activities, personnel management, emergency procedures, and facility operations

He is mandated to establish and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff for academic performance and responsibility for behavior.

The Principal supervises the instructional programs of the school, evaluating lesson plans and observing classes (teaching, as duties allowed) on a regular basis to encourage the use of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on learning and child growth and development.

The Principal is required among other things to establish procedures for evaluation and selection of instructional materials and equipment, approving all recommendations by the Board through the Executive Director.



The Registrar is responsible for the supervision and management of all administrative and operational functions of the Office of the Registrar.

The Registrar ensures the integrity, accuracy and security of all academic records of current and former students, facilitate effective student registration and enrollment, builds and securing student data files and sets policy and procedure for their responsible use and to maintain up-to-date course schedules, catalogs, final examination schedules, manages efficient use of classrooms, supervises and maintains the Banner and degree audit systems. 

The Registrar supervises the processes for the articulation of transfer credits, graduation and certification of baccalaureate and associate degrees, enrollment and degree verification, production of official transcripts, diplomas, and commencement ceremonies. 



A Dean of Student Affairs plans and directs the institutions activities related to student services and campus life.

As an administrator, the dean of students helps coordinate admissions, health services, financial aid, housing and social programs for students. The office of a dean of students is generally responsible for serving as a point of information for students and responding to students' needs.

While Deans of Student Affairs work primarily with non-academic issues, his office initiatives include encouraging academic success and monitoring students who are struggling in classes. He also provides advice regarding degree and distribution requirements.


THE ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT (Mr. Anthony Boakye & Ampofo)

The Department is responsible for preparing the organization’s monthly financial reports.

They maintain spreadsheets of all the financial activities of the organization and compile them into the report at the end of the month.

They report details of the inflows and outflows of cash in the organization, which helps in establishing accountability in the business.

The department also keeps all the documentation that supports the figures contained in the report, such as invoices and receipts, for auditing purposes.

The Accountant analyzes financial information and prepares financial reports to determine or maintain record of assets, liabilities, profit and loss, tax liability, or other financial activities within an organization. 

He prepares, examines, and analyzes accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and to ensure conformance to reporting and procedural standards. 

Students are required to seek advice on all their financial issues from this department. 



They operate their departments in consultation with their institution.  Every department has a Staff/Class Representatives which plans and evaluates the departments’ programme of work.

Apart from determining the teaching timetable, the departments are responsible for keeping the syllabi under review and for initiating changes and improvements which are expected to work in close co-operation with the Dean, the Senior Lecturer and the Principal. 

This body acts as conduit between the student’s body and the administration of the school. Oxford has one of the very vibrant SRC that assist students as well as the institution in the performance of its duties.